We've been a little down and out with colds & are currently dealing with some last minute refinance stuff (oh, don't you love banks?!), but I won't allow a little cough to let down my three faithful readers! It's time for Tuesday tours! This week's edition of Tuesday Tours brings us to the room directly off the living room, the scrapbook room. Otherwise known as the "used to be scrapbooking, now just sits idle & cute" room.
At one point I was an avid scrapbooker & one of my requirements in our new home was office space or a spare bedroom that would accomodate my hobby. Well, somewhere between purchasing our home, getting married, house projects & just being
plain 'ol busy, my hobby got lost in the shuffle. But let's not waste time crying over unused rooms. Let's get to the tour!
One of the first changes we made to the room was removing the entryway door (accessed from the living room). It was awkward, took up too much room & oddly enough was required to be removed--along with the door's molding--to accomodate the arrival of our oversized couch (through the pocket door you see here). Yep, our couch had to be
hoisted to the upstairs porch, after failing to make it's way up TWO different stairwells & into our living room. While Americans continue to get bigger, why so does our furniture! But
that little incident is another story for another day. Moving along...
The next order of business was painting. The room was previously a delightful shade of burgandy. Which was in fact, delightful, but much too dark for the room. One coat of primer & several coats of Behr's Asparagus later, we had ourselves a more cheerful office/scrap space. The bookshelf holds baskets of stamps & stamp pads, while the bottom shelf holds more practical items like statements, bills, car titles and phone books. Blech! How did that nonsense get in here?
The best part of the room is the closet space. The shelves hold all my paper, embellishments, paint, ribbons and scrapbooks, as well as wrapping & tissue paper, thank you notes and gift bags. Which come in uber handy for that impromtu housewarming party, birthday or random gift-giving occassion.
The main area in the room is devoted to workspace. The table is an old dining table from my last apartment (which coincidentally served as my scrapbooking workspace at the time). The baskets hold random items like scissors, tapes, punches, pens & pencils. Above the workspace is an overpriced cork board from Pottery Barn. The only thing missing from the board is actual cork (it's a few centimeters thick...
for.real.), which makes it laughably unusable. Not only was it expensive & barely usable, it also caused the husband to curse multiple times while hanging it. But isn't that the case with most Pottery Barn stuff? It's expensive, looks pretty and makes people curse (probably because of the price tag, right?).
And that concludes today's tour! I'm off to curl up on my couch with a cup of tea, Dayquil and an episode of Dr. Phil's
Housewives Get Real Tuesdays. And who said Tuesday was the most boring day of the week?!