So it's been awhile. The husband has been traveling for work & last week he checked in on the 'ol blog to see what's been happening. Which would be a whole lotta nothing. I can't decide if there aren't enough hours in the day or whether I just suck at time managment. I'm guessing a little of both.
So let's get back to it! Last weekend we finally got around to hanging some shelves we purchased during the great Canadian Ikea trip of 2011 (and by we I mean, the husband). These are the same shelves that someone may or may not have pouted over after a disagreement about where to hang said shelves, whether any of Ikea's light fixtures were suitable for the kitchen, and the cost of curtain panels. Can you tell we'd reached our limit?!
After taking measurements & creating a detailed plan as to how the shelves would be hung (this is why the husband is in charge...apparently, my method of "eyeballing" isn't nearly as effective), "we" got to work!
(Warning...really bad photo montage ahead. It's been raining NON-STOP around here. This month is going down in history as the most ridiculous month ever.)
The gratuitous cat shot. It's funny how cats are typically sleeping in the other room...that is until a large scale project breaks out & they have to be in the middle of it all.
Here's the husband very carefully measuring, hanging & doing all the work. All the while I'm snapping photos & not being helpful.
And the after...
Right now the shelves are holding a montage of wedding photos--just in time for our anniversary next month! It's the wall I'm affectionately refering to as the "wall of us". Has a nice ring to it, huh? The husband asked how long the "wall of us" will exist. And frankly, it will exist as long as it takes for me to get my ass in gear and replace the darn photos (not happening anytime soon), or whenever we add another member to our family (also not happening anytime soon). Whew, looks like I have some time.
Happy Tuesday!