Well, it's September! The unofficial start to fall & a regular routine. I have no clue what I'm going to do when I have children who will go off to school. Routine + fancy school supplies + back to school clothes = I lose my mind. Anyway! I'm kind of pumped that fall is here. A little sad that summer flew by so fast, but meh...I guess I'm over it. Upward & onward!
We've been taking advantage of our local farmer's market. Only two more months left (sniff, sniff)! Man, are we going to miss all these great fruits & veggies come winter. It's so easy to feed Emme when we've got so much fresh stuff on hand.
And no trip to the farmer's market is complete without a stop to listen to whatever musician is playing that day. In this case it was a fiddler (who's been there the last 2 weeks). We take our live music very seriously! Either that or she's totally unimpressed.
Lately, we've spent every last waking hour saying the word NO. Like, 9,291 times a day. Seriously, you think I'm joking. This child is going to grow up thinking mommy only knows one word! Some days I get to the point where it's just easier to remove a problem all together...
I mean, seriously. I had pretty much had it that day. And this was all before 9:30 a.m. Good thing she's so cute, it's hard to resist this face!
We celebrated the last weekend of summer at the wedding of the husband's childhood friend. The husband was also in the wedding, so it was a busy weekend of rehearsals, celebrating, brunches, etc. The wedding was so much fun & just gorge. In this day & age of Pinterest, it's hard for weddings not to be!
That weekend was also our first overnight away from Emme (thanks to my mom who babysat)! The wedding was local, and we stayed only 15 minutes from our house. But ahhh....it was awesome. I was totally looking forward to catching up on sleep. But we're parents, so you just automatically wake up at 7:00 a.m....baby or no baby. And we didn't get to bed until late since we were some of the last people to leave the wedding. We danced all night like we were 21 years old (and then woke up the next morning to find out that--surprise!--we are in fact, not 21 years old). We practically had to be escorted out of the place.
And while we were out celebrating, this girl was busy turning 10 months! I took this pic a few days late, but getting her to sit still for any sort of picture these days is just impossible. She's over it.
It's hard to believe I've already begun to plan her first birthday party! I know every mama says it, but when did this happen? It seems like just yesterday she was born!
I hosted a play date for Emme & her "friends" this past weekend. These girls are going to be the bestest of friends when they get older (because their parents told them so)!

Emme was kind of over the whole play date thing shortly after it began. I guess that's the hard thing about hosting in your own home...it's the same old toys & tricks. Eh. Anyway, she and baby Brynn are the same size & Emme has a whole 5 months on her! I swear, she is such a little peanut. She had on 9 month jeans that day, and they were sagging off of her. If she wasn't wearing diapers, she'd be sporting major plumber's crack.

We also broke out the Bills gear for the season home opener! My girlfriend gave us this outfit (so cute, right?), and I figured we should wear it now...because our excitement for the team will likely fade by game two. And wouldn't you know, they lost to the Patriots that day! They were winning for most of the game too. The husband was running around the house declaring that the Bills were this year's "team of destiny". And by the time I had come home from a Wegman's run, they had lost (evidently they were no longer a "team of destiny"). Oh well, you win some, you lose some. And if you're from Buffalo, you continue to hold onto hope...because
this.just.might.be.the.year. Or something like that.
Emme also started with a new sitter last week! I'm officially back to work four days a week, and home with her every Friday. I'm a little sad about the transition, but this is a great thing for both of us. She gets to socialize 2 days a week (she's with my mom the other 2 days), and I get to go to work and do adult things like, working without interruptions & having adult conversations and blogging. See? A win-win for everyone!
I also think I mentioned it in my last post, but I'm just about finished with Emme's playroom! You should know better than to expect I'll post pictures when I say I will (soon, I promise!), but just a few more finishing touches, and this room will be 100% Emme's. Which is pretty awesome since she already loves it in there. And it's pretty much a worry free zone (for the most part), since she can't get into too much trouble in there (it keeps her away from touching the dvd player 800 times a day). We just need to get a baby gate to keep her from escaping, and then mommy can happily (or so they say) tend to the laundry and/or other assorted house chores. You take your pick.
So bye, bye for now (says Emme in the new playroom)!