We're excited to announce a new edition to our family! And no, I'm not pregnant. Nor did I adopt a new kitty friend for our current kitty. Although, it should be noted that in recent weeks I've been very tempted to do so. Do you know they're waiving cat adoption fees in our area due to a kitten over population? The husband says this isn't a good enough reason to add to our family. Tiggy & I think he's no fun.
Anyhoo! Without further ado, let me introduce you to the beaut we recently welcomed to our abode:
It should be noted that it took the husband approximately 4 hours & the arrival of dinner guests into our home before discovering our new edition. In all fairness to him, the rug is identical to the one we previously owned. Only this one's larger & cleaner. And has that new rug smell...mmmmm.
You may be wondering how I convinced the husband to let us get a new area rug. Well, it really wasn't so much convincing, but instead a good 'ol phone conversation where I may have casually mentioned that I was at Target "looking" at new area rugs. And then, as if by magic, the rug appeared in our home! Isn't that incredible?
For now, I seem to be the only family member excited about this purchase. The cat avoids any & all contact, instead preferring to hang out in the spare bedroom (where you can find her on most occassions). And the husband seems to have forgotten that it even ever arrived in the first place. As for me, I'm sitting back, relaxing, and taking in that delightful new carpet smell.
And who said sneaky area rug purchases weren't a good time?
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