Monday, November 1, 2010

Back in black

Ah, I welcome you with open arms! We successfully made it through Halloween (whew!). As it turns out, my costume turned out much better than I imagined. Did I mention I dressed as Tippy Hedren from Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds"? Sure, my get-up made me look like a corporate Marilyn Monroe who was pecked by birds. But after several cocktails, my "who is she?" worries were laid to rest. The costume was a hit!

Halloween also handed out a few lessons. For starters, trick-or-treaters don't care if your front porch is perfectly adorned with intricately placed mums & pumpkins. In fact, those said mums will take quite a beating when 20-some kiddos are pushing & shoving each other on your front stoop for that extra Kit-Kat or Snickers. And for good reason. Word likely got out that we were giving away TWO pieces of candy per kid. This is the second year in a row we've done this, thinking that surely we'll get only a handful of kids, and what will we do with all this leftover candy?! Well, by 7:15 we were officially out of sweet treats & our front porch looked like the aftermath of a Halloween horror flick. Ah well, lessons learned! Only 364 more days until it starts all over again...

Anyhoo! When I wasn't busy stressing over my costume or counting fun-sized candy bars, I was working on this:

Also, I decided to go with black & I'm totally happy with my decision (and the outcome!):

Yep, I'm definitely thiniking the black consol/white mirror combo was the right way to go:

photo courtesty of Made By Girl

Project Hallway is slooowly coming along. It's really taken a back seat to life & work and I'm very anxious for it to be done. I'm hoping we can finish it up by the time we start the kitchen demo (in 7 days to be exact!). Which translates to: I need to get to work!

Join me tomorrow for Tuesday Tours (it's baa-aack!). My guest will be the most important room in the house....according to the husband. For those of you who already know him, this one's a dead giveaway. And for those of you who don't know him, I'll give you a hint: it's not the man's den. Apparently, not even a Tuesday Tour could entice him to tidy up. Sigh...

Hope you all had a terrifyingly treat-filled Halloween weekend!

1 comment :

  1. That is So weird -- my officemate was also Tippi from the birds . And her name is also Kate!


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