Thursday, May 26, 2011

And we have ourselves a water barrel

...which is perfect, since it rains everyday here. It was a gift from the momma, who affectionately refers to our garden as her's. And rightly so, since she's done most of the work!

We've had a broken downspout on the garage since owning the house. We've never bothered to get it fixed & we've never bothered to plant anything beneath it either. There's really no point when things get flooded in that area, summer after summer. So, enter the rain barrel...the perfect solution! I have to admit, I initially doubted my mom that this thing would fit in the small area between the fence & driveway (believe me, it was quite big in my car!). But I learned something....don't ever doubt your mother. I wish I would have understood that bit of information when I was little & put my hand on a hot iron that she told me not to touch (because DUH, it was hot). True story.

And yes, it's a fancy water barrel! The top even has a planter for when I eventually get around to planting some annuals. Or, it could double as a bird bath (what our neighbor suggested), which is perfectly fitting considering all the rain we're getting these days...

I like birds, but only of the ceramic variety. And ones that don't poop all over my driveway.

And speaking of our neighbors, one in particular is pretty impressed, as their rain barrels are boring, run-of-the-mill, well....rain barrels. She loved it so much she jokingly suggested we put a spot light on it! But since we can't be bothered (yes, we're lazy) to replace the security light bulb on the back of our house...I think we'll pass on that spot light idea.

Because a downspout--that we don't have--is supposed to fit in that hole you see, my mom found this cool floral thingy (the technical term for it, of course) that essentially "catches" the rain and trickles it into the rain barrel.

I'm guessing the barrel is about halfway full at this point (no joke). And since they're calling for sun this weekend (that might be a joke), I'm hoping to give 'er a good test run. And if for some reason it rains all summer long...

...that spot light might not be such a bad idea afterall!

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