Anyhoo! I may or may not have tricked the husband into this little jaunt by telling him we were only visiting one store (shame on him for actually believing me). Our first stop was Room...which yes, I understand does not count as "antique". But a stop at Room is always a necessity when you're in the neighborhood.
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Our next stop was, CooCooU, a store I'd been wanting to visit for awhile now (the lone store I told the husband we'd be if!). It's a mad collection of mid century modern furniture (think lots of Eames chairs) all packed into one tiny little store front. While browsing, we enjoyed some fine keyboard tunes by none other than the owner himself. I didn't realize we were listening to live music until the husband said "um, there's a man back there playing the keyboard...WEIRD". I don't know what was more weird...the fact that the owner was playing a keyboard, or the fact that we couldn't see him because of all the stuff in that place. We talked to him for a few minutes, before he showed us the larger-than-our-dining room-gong (and yes, if you're wondering....gongs of that size are very LOUD), and then on our way we went. Alas, I have no photos to share of this experience. But trust was good times. We will be back for sure. It was just that good.
Afterwards, we ventured next door to a fabulous antique store who's name will go unmentioned as I don't know what the hell it was called (how's that for giving credit where credit is due?!). Anyway! We had our eye on a great light fixture that we briefly considered purchasing for the kitchen. But after speaking with the owner & realizing it would take a lot of work to get it up and running (and even then, you never know), we decided to pass.
And that my friends, is when the good stuff happened. The owner sent us down to the basement to check out other light fixtures & we happened upon this magic...
I know, this is just your ordinary, run-of-the-mill scary basement photo. But believe me when I say this place was a goldmine of amazing stuff! And suddenly things got not-so-scary really quick. It's also important to note that I didn't realize I had adult ADD until I entered this place. Moving along...
Quick! Can you spot the husband?
If you guessed the red head floating in the would be wrong. Zero points for you.
The lamps I'm about to purchase...
The lamp I wanted to purchase, but it was missing a mate...
I had my eye on that schoolhouse pendant in the back, but it needed way more love than I was prepared to give it. I'm good, but not that good.
The wire baskets I should have purchased. Especially after seeing similar ones in the latest Pottery Barn catalog that same afternoon. I'm guessing I could have gotten the pair for $20 vs. the ridiculous price Pottery Barn would have asked for them...
After a lot of ooohing & aaahing, we eventually made our way up from the basement to inquire about the blue lamps. The owner said he'd give both of them to me for $40, when ordinarily he would have charged $100. Apparently, he was just looking to get them off his hands. Well, sir, you have yourself a sale! Afterwards, there was an awkward shuffle at the register, as the credit card machine was down & the only way I was buying these babies was with cash or check (and go figure, I had neither on me that afternoon). So the very laid back owner instructed me to "take them & stop by later with the money". And to think, if I wasn't so honest I would have gotten these lamps for the low, low price of FREE! But since I'm an honest Abe, the husband ponied up and forked over the cash for my latest thrifty find.
So here's what the lamps looks like when they're not in a basement...
I actually don't mind the color, but the owner painted them with a brush & they are horribly imperfect (you can't tell from the pics). So they'll be getting a new paint job (color TBD), as well as some new shades & a good old fashioned rewiring.
Also, I worried they would be too tall, but here's how they stack up against our existing lamps...
So stay tuned...I'm hoping to have these lamps refinished by this weekend. I'll be sure to post pictures soon!
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