Last year I made that fancy list. The list that a few folks in our family found uber helpful & I ultimately found some of those items under the tree. I wasn't planning to make & broadcast a list this year because, frankly...I haven't a clue what I really want (ask me the other 364 days of the year and I could totally tell you, but right here and now...not so much).
But then one trip to Anthro sealed the deal for me....I want coffee table books. Does anyone else think that the books stocked at Anthropologie are the best? They really have a great selection, if you ask me (or if anyone really cares what I think, for that matter). Okay, anyway. On my list?
Our house definitely leans towards the imperfect these days. And this book is gonna teach me to embrace that. Or so I'm told.
I like modern. I like vintage. And I'm a firm believer that the two can totally coexist. Consider this book me.
We all know we can decorate (or at least think we can!). But it certainly doesn't hurt to get someone else's perspective on the subject. Not to mention some added inspiration!
No, I don't own this book. Yes, I'm aware everyone else does.
So that's pretty much where I am right about now. I know, it's not the most spectacular of lists. But ask me what I really want...on December 26. I'll have really good answers for you!
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