I was up the other night worrying about a variety of things, one of them being the baby's room (again). Isn't it funny that problems seem larger than life in the dark? And then the sun rises & you've got yourself a whole new perspective. I'm aware that baby won't be sleeping in this room for awhile, but my OCD self wants it all ready in time. You know, once life is perfect and organized I can concentrate on giving birth (insert laughter here)!
We decided on the Sparrow crib from Oeuf.

For now, that's the only modern element to the room. I didn't want to go too classic or predictable when it came to the crib. I was originally thinking to go the Jenny Lind route (perfect for a girl!), but this crib is gender neutral enough that if we go down the parenthood road another time (and have a boy), this will work out just perfectly. I have a bunch of vintage and thrift finds that I've been collecting for awhile now that I'm also planning to incorporate into the room...the juxtaposition of old and new is exactly what we're thinking for this room. Well, exactly what I'm thinking anyway. The husband just goes along with it.
And...my fabric samples arrived today. Hoorah!
My mom is making the bedding and yes, we're doing a bumper guard (save me the safety lectures folks, I'm aware....). I've definitely decided on the Mockingbird print from Heather Bailey's Garden District line. I ordered both samples to see how the colors translated in real life, and while I was originally leaning towards the lighter sample, I absolutely love the blue just as much! Decisions, decisions. Of which, I'd better get on soon as I just found out the folks at Fabric.com are on the move and any/all orders placed between now and the end of August will be delayed while they get themselves sorted and settled....
And yep, that's about where things stand right now. We've taken a bit of a baby nursery hiatus to work on the side hallway...what the husband affectionately refers to as Project Hallway: Part Duex. I'll be back this week with an update of how things are moving along in there. But it currently involves a whole lotta tearing out of the old carpeting, getting estimates for new, priming, painting, etc. Nothing fun, just functional at this point (for the sake of getting things done). Now if that didn't sound like an exciting, you-can't-wait-to-see update, then I don't know what does...
I can't wait to see your finished nursery! It's going to be adorable, I'm sure!